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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Minimizing the thermoelectric phenomena influence in MEMS-structures on thin-film tensoresistor pressure sensors’ output signal |
Belozubov E.M., Belozubova N.E., Vasiliev V.А.
The article contemplates the thermoelectric phenomena arising in the MEMS-structures of thin-film tensoresistor pressure sensors (ТТPS). It also shows the results of model development to carry out inconclusive thermo-EMF transformation to output signal of TTPS with identical tensoelements (strain gauges). The methods minimizing the thermoelectric phenomena influence on ТТPS output signal are described. Recommendations on improvement ТТPS MEMS-structures operating in conditions of non-stationary temperatures (thermal-shock) are developed. |
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