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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Calibration of a Videogrammetric
System Using a Physical Pendulum |
A method for calibrating a videogrammetric system by digitally processing a video image of a physical pendulum performing free damped oscillations is
presented. This method is designed to determine the metrological characteristics of a videogrammetric system designed to measure the parameters of objects
with mechanical motion. The actual values of the velocity and the vector of movement of the physical pendulum were determined at the required time by the
calculation method according to the specifi ed parameters of the mathematical pendulum, using the functional dependencies of its coordinates on the duration of
The measured values of the pendulum parameters were obtained by frame-by-frame digital processing of its video image. Using the maximum values
of the Laplacians, the contour of the pendulum was detected on the obtained video frames, which was represented as a periodic function by constructing its
profi logram relative to the base circle. By applying a high-pass fi lter from among the harmonic components, the values of harmonics exceeding the center of
scattering of a random variable by the value of the standard deviation were excluded. After fi ltering the pendulum image in the frequency domain, the offset
estimate of the dispersion of the points of the pendulum contour decreased by more than 2 times, which reduced the measurement error by the videogrammetric
system of angular coordinates of the pendulum.
According to the results of the experiment, by comparing the measured and calculated values of the velocity and angular coordinates of the pendulum,
estimates of the metrological characteristics of the videogrammetric system with a relative error of less than 1 % were obtained. It is concluded that the use
of a physical pendulum and computational methods for determining its parameters at the required time makes it possible to accurately assess the metrological
characteristics and calibrate the videogrammetric system.
Keywords: videogrammetric system, video image processing, pendulum, free damped oscillations, calibration, measurement error.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.1.2024.1464
Pp. 01-09. |
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