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Comparative research of algorithms of control by multidimensional nonlinear objects in uncertainty for output to given manifold |
A comparative analysis of the quality of the three algorithms for synthesis of non-linear regulators in the derivation of the multidimensional object with an incomplete description on a given manifold: a control algorithm based on the analytical construction of aggregated regulators (ACAR); algorithm «guaranteed regulator» on the basis of analytical construction of aggregated regulators and algorithm generalizing ACAR technique and control in the sliding mode (ACAR+). The results of comparative modeling of these algorithms, built on the basis of nonlinear adaptation manifolds for poorly formalized four-dimensional
object unstable in the open condition. The conclusion is drawn on an asymptotic stability on the average in the conditions of random noises of the algorithm combining two classical methods – managements in a sliding mode and analytical construction of the aggregated regulators.
Keywords: nonlinear multivariate object, nonlinear adaptation on manifold, chaotic object in open condition, additive noise.
Contacts: E-mail: skolesnikova@yandex.ru
Pp. 01-08. |
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