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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Application of Electroinduction Sensors in the Task of Finding the Location of Electromagnetic Field Sources in the Environment

The scope of application of electromagnetic induction sensors is quite wide, sensors are used, among other things, to measure the
parameters of the electromagnetic fi eld, control the safe values of fi elds for humans during the operation of technological equipment. Sensors
can be integrated into a wide variety of tools that allow you to track the position and orientation of fi eld sources in real time. The method
presented in the article implements a spatial model of tracking and localization of the electromagnetic fi eld source. The method allows you
to calculate the distance, height and azimuth of the object the source of the electromagnetic fi eld, using fi ve electro-induction sensors. An
error model using Gaussian noise (or normal noise) was used and the infl uence of various layout parameters on the error of the location
determination result was simulated. During the analysis, interference is simulated: between sensors, the minimum induced charge, and the
position of the fi eld source. An optimal model for the placement of electro-induction sensors has been implemented. It is confi rmed that the
presented method using electro-induction sensors can detect a change in the position of the object of observation in the assessment area.
Keywords: electrometric measurements, tracing and localization, electromagnetic fi eld sources, sensor array, safety distance.

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.12.2024.1543

Pp. 07-16.


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