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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Modeling of Rectifi cation Purifi cation
Modes Based on the Results of Analytical
Monitoring of Raw Materials |
A methodology has been developed for correcting the rectifi cation purifi cation regime in the technology of chemical reagents and highly pure
substances based on the results of analytical monitoring of feedstock. Using the example of reactive grade carbon tetrachloride and high-purity
isopropyl alcohol, analytical studies of the infl uence of the quality of raw materials on the technological regime of the rectifi cation process were
carried out. Based on experimental data, mathematical models have been developed that relate the values of the refl ux ratio and the percentage of
preheat with the concentration of the limiting impurity in the raw material.
Keywords: analytical monitoring, rectifi cation purifi cation, raw materials, regime modeling, chemical reagents, high-purity substances.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.9.2024.1523
Pp. 19-27. |
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