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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Specifi city of the Friction Moment of the Gyroscope
Contact Pickoff under Vibration Conditions |
The article presents the result of a study of the infl uence of the asymmetry of the friction moment of current leads and current collectors on the
drift of a three-degree of freedom gyroscope under vibration conditions. A relationship has been established between the gyroscope drift and the
coeffi cient of sliding friction, contact pressure on the supporting surface, and the stiffness of current leads and current collectors. Based on an analysis
of the dependence of drift on the above-mentioned factors, recommendations are proposed to reduce the infl uence of the dry friction moment.
Keywords: three-degree of freedom gyroscope, friction torque, vibration, non-contact angle sensor.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.8.2024.1514
Pp. 01-06. |
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