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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Formation of Data in the LibraryMuseum-Archive-Information Array |
The developed information model of data formation on user's request in the fi eld of nobelistics is presented and described, which refl ects the
really functioning subject-oriented library-museum-archival-information array of the International Nobel Information Center, consisting of: Nobel
Scientifi c Library, Museum of the Nobel Family and Nobel Prize Laureates, Archive of the Nobel Family and Nobel Prize Laureates, electronic
databases on nobelistics. The data is formed in such a way that the user receives retrieval results in the form of factography, factologic, documents
in various formats. The database management system monitors the results of each act of information retrieval according to six quality elements:
relevance, pertinence, accuracy, completeness, clarity, and consistency.
Keywords: problem-oriented data array, library-museum-archival-information data, data formation models, information model.
Pp. 40-44. |
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