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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Identifi cation of Incidents in Astra Linux OS

The diverse attacks and threats, varying in complexity are growing every day. The means of such attacks are becoming more effective and sophisticated.
Information security engineers are faced with the challenge of keeping track of rapidly evolving threats and technologies. In view of this, it is relevant to
implement mechanisms aimed at automated identifi cation of incidents in real time.
The article discusses the architecture of a software tool for identifying incidents, a model of analyzing the registration data based on the apparatus of the
theory of Markov random processes. The article gives the examples of rules for detecting threats, demonstrating the process of identifying incidents based on
them in the graphical interface of the security administrator, as well as the results of testing the software and diagrams of the time spent on data analysis when
using it.
Keywords: events, incidents, registration data, centralized viewing of events and incidents, Markov random processes.

Pp. 31-39.


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