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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Development of a Model for Semantic Analysis and Synthesis of Text Data

The relevance of the issue of developing a model for semantic analysis and synthesis of text data is due to a number of factors determined
by the ongoing processes of digitalization of all spheres of society. The proposed algorithms may prove useful in such industries as medicine,
trade and the private life of users, which emphasizes the need for a more in-depth study of the problems of synthesis and semantic analysis of
text data.
The theoretical part of the study is based on methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization of data. The analysis of a mathematical
model of semantic analysis and synthesis of text data is considered, which can be used in the development of software systems whose purpose
is to collect and process heterogeneous unstructured information with subsequent analysis based on artifi cial intelligence technologies.
A problematic issue when working with text data based on semantic analysis is identifi ed. A model for semantic analysis and synthesis of text
data is proposed in accordance with the user's request.
Keywords: semantic analysis; text data; data synthesis; heterogeneous data; unstructured data; mathematical model; natural language

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.4.2024.1493

Pp. 49-57.


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