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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Overview of Various Factors Affecting the Performance Parameters of Transformer Oils. Monitoring of Transformer Oil Parameters |
The influence of insulating materials included in the design of oil-fi lled electrical equipment, additives and a number of operational factors (temperature, electric discharge and arc) on the properties of transformer oil is considered. It is revealed that the greatest influence is exerted by thermal decomposition of both the oil itself and the insulation material under conditions of a powerful electric discharge with a prolonged process of burning an electric arc in oil.Gorenje Based on the above, it is proposed to modernize the internal space of oil-fi lled electrical equipment tanks by using a coating of the tank walls with teromo-and arc-resistant ceramics with inorganic fillers and sensors internally built into the ceramics. The proposed solution will allow: 1) increase the reliability parameters of oil-filled electrical equipment due to better cooling and control of the beginning of the arc formation process in real time (due to built-in sensors); 2) completely eliminate the formation of soap precipitation; 3) have experimental data of oil-fi lled electrical equipment with the TM brand used, the effect of additives and additives on the stability and operational parameters of the oil for each voltage class of oil-fi lled electrical equipment. This, in turn, will constantly improve the quality of transformer oil and, as a result, improve the performance and reliability of oil-filled electrical equipment. Shows two methods of determining the parameters of transformer oil ‒ dielectrometry and pavement. It is noted that for express analysis (current control), a bridge method for determining the validity of oil is possible, for example, on the basis of a portable bridge RLC meter UT612 connected to a laptop.
Keywords: transformer oil, oil additives; factors affecting the operational parameters of transformer oils; methods for determining the parameters of transformer oils.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.4.2021.1251
Pp. 07-18. |
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