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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Automated System for Optimal Induction Brazing Control Waveguide Paths Spacecraft |
The article is devoted to the problem of controlling the process of induction soldering of waveguide paths of space vehicles. In order to improve the quality of control, a mathematical apparatus is proposed for the formation of optimal control trajectories, built on the basis of mathematical models of the temperature distribution in the soldered elements of the waveguide path. The proposed approach is implemented within the framework of an automated control system, the structure and algorithms of which are presented in the article. The effi ciency and applicability of the developed automated system were confi rmed both during computational experiments and in the process of field experiments. The introduction of induction brazing control technology based on the approach proposed in the work will improve the quality of brazing at the enterprises of the rocket and space industry that produce spacecraft and their elements, as well as expand the range of brazed products and reduce the cost of mastering new products.
Keywords: automated system, control, induction brazing, waveguide path, spacecraft, technological process.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.1.2021.1234
Pp. 22-34. |
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