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Method of speeding up the search algorithm for direct torque control |
Energy conservation in an asynchronous electric drive is a promising area of research. Power-saving mode can be implemented
by means of reliable and independent of the specific properties of a control object of search algorithms that use only for calculating
the values of voltages and currents. Achieving optimum power saving mode is performed by minimizing the power consumption. On
detection of the optimal point, after making a corrective action, the search algorithm may take a few tens of seconds, which makes it
unsuitable for use in the mechanisms of cyclic operation with small cycles, or in drives with a sharply-character of the load. To solve
this problem, we propose the use of algorithms for speeding, which can significantly reduce the time between the cyclic polling in the
search methods and thus reduce the transition process, which confirmed these findings.
Keywords: asynchronous electric, direct torque control, search algorithms, search engine, forcing, linkage, the current comparator.
Contacts: E-mail: stw0411@mail.ru
Pp. 60-63. |
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