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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Combined Method of Incremental Scheduling for the Execution of Shootings by Agile Sat

The object of research in the article is the task of scheduling shootings by agile satellites in an incremental mode. In this case, the content of the
task is reduced to fi nding the minimum necessary changes in the current shootings plan to assess the possibility of including to it the shooting of a
new target. The solution to the problem is to obtain one of three possible evaluation options: shooting a new target is possible, impossible, or possible
if the shooting of another target is removed from the plan and reassigned to another satellite. The proposed method of solving the problem is based
on the search for a route to bypass targets, in which there is an admissible shooting plan. In accordance with this, the decomposition of the original
problem into two subtasks is considered. The content of the fi rst subtask is to assess the possibility of building an admissible shooting plan based on
the development of the current route of bypassing targets. If this is not possible, a search is performed for a route to bypass the targets, in which an
admissible shooting plan exists. In this case, the combinatorial search problem is considered. To solve it, a search algorithm is proposed, based on
which the method of branches and boundaries is considered.
Keywords: agile sat, scheduling of shootings, route of goals bypass.

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.11.2024.1540

Pp. 53-62.


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