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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Analysis of the Nomenclature and Tribology of Mechanisms and Contact Elements Operating Under the Level of Lead and Lead-Bismuth Heat Carriers

The systematization and development of the nomenclature of objects and elements with contact friction pairs, as well as the analysis of
mechanisms and their contact elements in the power circuits of reactors with lead or lead-bismuth coolants, is currently important information
for the design of scientifi c installations. The results of a study of the working conditions of contact pairs in heavy liquid metal heat carriers
are presented, which is important information for experimental studies of the operation of tribological pairs. The results of the study will
be useful for specialists of organizations involved in the design and engineering development of energy circuits for heavy nuclear fi ssion
reactors, thermonuclear reactors and accelerator-controlled systems with liquid metal targets. The application of energy circuits with lead
and lead-bismuth heat carriers in various installations is analyzed. Special attention is paid to circulation pumps, which are an integral part
of these circuits and ensure the pumping of liquid metal coolant through the equipment. The various types of pumps used to depend on the
layout of the reactor plant, as well as the features of their design and operation, are described.
It is noted that the performance of pumps depends on the presence of a lower bearing, which centers the lower end of the shaft with the
impeller and is located under the free level of liquid metal. The article also discusses the problems associated with clogging the channels of
hydrostatic bearings with deposits of dispersed impurity particles and suggests ways to solve them. The problems related to the mechanisms
of nuclear fuel overload and the reactor control and protection system in heavy nuclear fi ssion reactors are discussed. Traditional designs of
these mechanisms require the placement of devices on the lid of the reactor unit, which leads to the need to perform complex and dangerous
operations when recharging nuclear fuel. An alternative innovative technology is proposed, in which the movement of the absorber rods is
carried out by hydraulic drives located in the reactor vessel under the free level of the coolant. However, the implementation of this concept
requires solving a number of complex tasks, including the creation of workable high-pressure and low-fl ow liquid metal coolant supply
pumps and hydraulic drives.
The necessity of periodic cleaning of heat transfer surfaces from possible deposits of impurities is discussed, which requires the creation
of low-consumption high-pressure pumps for pumping high-temperature lead and lead-bismuth heat carriers.
Keywords: HLMC, PbBi, cleaning of free coolant surfaces, reactor plant, impurity capture, bubbling process.

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.10.2024.1528

Pp. 23-28.


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