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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Calibration Procedure of a Fiber-Optic Refractometric Sensor

To ensure the accuracy of measuring the refractive indices of liquids, the quality of which is determined, all refractometric measuring instruments (RMI)
undergo a calibration procedure to reduce the calibration error, which is up to 70 % of the basic error. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out the calibration
procedure under ideal conditions, avoiding sudden temperature changes, since the refractive index of liquids decreases with increasing temperature, and
increases with decreasing temperature. The complexity and long duration of the calibration procedure reduces the value of the known RMI. The aim of the
study is to reduce the basic error of the new fi ber-optic refractometric sensor (FORS), which implements a modifi ed refractometric method for diagnosing the
quality of liquid media of various applications. Results. It is proved that the use of fi rst a transparent calibration substance with a known refractive index placed
in a cylindrical transparent microtubule, and then a transparent test substance with the desired refractive index, allows you to change the contour of the image
of the radiating end of the incoming optical fi ber in the plane where the receiving ends of the outgoing optical fi bers are located, and, accordingly, change the
output signal of the sensor. A simple method of FORS calibration has been developed, which eliminates the disadvantages of the calibration procedure inherent
in the well-known RMI, which reduces the basic error of the FORS by reducing the calibration error.
Keywords: calibration technique, basic error, calibration error, sensor, refractive index, standard sample, express diagnostics, fi ber-optic refractometric
method, liquid medium, cylindrical tube.

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.8.2024.1515

Pp. 07-15.


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