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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Microcontroller-Based Temperature
Monitoring Network Interface |
Temperature control of control facilities is an urgent problem of automation systems at various levels. The use of modern programmable devices
with built-in hardware for organizing net-work interfaces as control devices allows us to solve the urgent task of monitoring the temperature of remote
control facilities. It is also important to ensure the possibility of processing; saving and indexing the obtained parameters taking into account the real
time of their measurement.
This paper presents a system running a 32-bit single-chip microcontroller. The purpose of the developed system is to control process and display
the temperature measured by means of intelligent sensors. The obtained temperature values, after input and processing by a microcontroller control
device, are output for display on a liquid crystal display. A network interface is used to communicate with the peripherals remote from the control
micro-controller. Communication with digital temperature sensors is provided by a 1-wire connection. To access the real-time clock that records the
date and time of temperature measurement, the transmission is carried out via the I2C interface. Sensors with built-in analog-to-digital converters and
storage devices are used for direct temperature measurement at control facilities.
The system based on the STM32 microcontroller was designed in a circuit simulation environment. A schematic diagram of the network interface
has been developed and programmed for polling digital temperature sensors with parameters output to a liquid crystal display and measurement
time control via a real-time clock. A printed circuit board model of a programmable temperature monitoring system was obtained. The system has
confi rmed its operability in laboratory conditions.
Keywords: automation system, temperature control, single-chip microcontroller, network interface, digital temperature sensor, 1-wire, I2C, realtime system, STM32, circuit modeling environment.
Pp. 27-32. |
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