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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
A Systematic Approach to the Design
of a Strain-Sensitive Element Made
of Modifi ed Diamond for Computing
Using Quantum Technologies |
A structure and design project of a measuring channel for a quantum diagnostic computer (a computer used for diagnostics) is proposed. The dimensions
and shape of the NV-centered diamond insert depend on the measurement range of the parameter being measured or tested. The parameter is an indicator of
the state of the system under test. The NV-centered diamond plate is both a sensor and a transducer. It converts the input parameter into a photon (or phonon)
output, which will be the input value to a quantum diagnostic computer. It is proposed to use a diamond plate with an NV center as the main part of the
measuring channel for a quantum diagnostic computer. A diamond insert with an NV center virtually consists of two parts. The fi rst is a diamond plate that
serves as a resonator. The second part is the NV center in the modifi ed diamond plate. The NV center serves as a downstream transducer. A diamond with an
NV center is a diamond with a broken lattice, which does not affect the mechanical properties, in particular the natural frequency of the plate. It allows you to
combine two sensors into one: primary (sensing element) and secondary (NV center). The sensor, consisting of a resonator and a transducer, vibrates using an
oscillation excitation system. The NV-centered diamond wafer produces data for a quantum computer while it vibrates: generating photons (or phonons) taken
as measurements. The presented approach to creating new sensors allows the use of a new type of measuring channel. The new type of sensors, as a result, are
many times smaller than traditional types of sensors, allowing data to be entered directly into a quantum computer system without any additional means, using
the property of photon radiation using various types of detectors.
Keywords: sensitive element, NV center, quantum sensor, vibration sensor, measuring channel, converter with frequency output.
Pp. 15-26. |
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