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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Development of a Method for Diagnosing Welds of Cast Parts of Freight Car Bogies

This paper examines current issues of quality control of cast, large-sized components of the side frame of a freight car. Particular attention is paid to the
side frames. The statistical analysis carried out for 2023 as part of a study based on a repair enterprise suggests that the main percentage of side frame faults
is due to the presence of welding in the R55 radius zone. Welding in this area is permitted only at manufacturing plants with subsequent normalization and
annealing. To control the presence of heat treatment, it is proposed to diagnose the welding area by measuring and comparing the hardness of the base metal
with the hardness of the weld. The article provides permissible heat treatment modes, confi dence intervals for hardness values, and the results of experimental
studies. The technology for manufacturing microsections is described. The microstructure of the base metal, heat-affected zone and weld after surfacing is
presented. The paper describes the results of micromechanical tests.
Keywords: diagnostics, control, fl aw detection, freight cars, side frames, casting.

Pp. 10-14.


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