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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Methods for Constructing an Adaptive Control System
for Planning the Development of Electronic
Warfare Equipment by Specialists |
The article discusses the development of methods for constructing an adaptive control system for planning the development of electronic warfare
equipment by specialists. A methodology has been developed for managing the rational planning of practical mastery by EEDS specialists (formation of the
content component of the curricula), which differs in that, taking into account the assessment of the adequacy of simulators, the level of skills acquired by
EEDS specialists on simulators is assessed; the rational amount of training on the j-type of training device is determined based on the use of an algorithm for
intellectual support for managing rational planning for the practical development of EREB (rational training plans). A methodology has been developed for
the formation of the content component of training exercises in the practical development of electronic warfare systems, confl ict-protected use of electronic
warfare systems arising due to changes in the radio frequency conditions of their operation, characterized in that it uses indicators of mutual orientation and
mutual infl uence of operations, according to which, in the event of a confl ict, The application of the electronic control system involves the elimination of
confl icting ones and the selection of rational operations generated from the permissible set of functional actions of operators, and allows for rapid adaptation of
the prescribed operations for managing the electronic control system.
Keywords: electronic warfare, control, planning, simulator, adaptation, skill.
Pp. 08-17. |
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