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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Experimental Studies of Algorithms
for Processing Information About Air Objects
Under Conditions of Parametric Class
Uncertainty Based on Computer Modeling |
Experimental studies have been carried out on algorithms for processing information about airborne objects under conditions of
parametric class uncertainty based on computer modeling for information subsystems of modern guidance systems in conditions of active
information countermeasures.
The obtained results of experimental studies showed the performance of algorithms for processing information about airborne objects and
their fairly high effi ciency. The experiment allowed us to conclude that the number of operations when using the algorithm for representing
the object classifi cation matrix in the form of orthogonal lists was reduced in comparison with the matrix one, according to statistical
estimates, by an average of 2 times.
Algorithms for processing information about airborne objects are implementable in modern information subsystems of guidance
complexes and do not require large computing resources for implementation.
Keywords: Аlgoritm, programma, obrabotka informatsii, informatsionnaya podsistema, kompleks navedeniya, vozdushnyye ob"yekty
Pp. 39-50. |
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