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An Algorithm of Generating Synthetic
Data for Thermocouples Using
a Simulation Model |
Thermocouples are widely used in industry due to distinguished operational and metrological characteristics. At the same time, the infl uence of
various production factors on the thermocouple leads to changes in the properties of thermocouple materials and growth of temperature measurement
error. This study proposes an algorithm of generating synthetic data for thermocouples using a distortion simulation model of a nominal static
characteristic. The proposed algorithm and model allow generating synthetic data for thermocouples with target level of maximum error. Tuning and
validation procedures for the model was carried out for K-type thermocouples in the temperature range of 100…800o C. The validation results confi rm
relevance of model structure, and homogeneity of synthetic and experimental datasets via the statistical criterion. with a signifi cance level of α = 0.01.
Keywords: thermocouple, synthetic data, simulation model, nominal static characteristic, actual static characteristic.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.3.2024.1483
Pp. 22-32. |
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