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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Using the Redundancy Method to Increase the Probability of Failure-Free Operation and Survivability of Self-Healing Computers

An analysis of the operation and selection of reliability indicators for specialized computers (SEVM) of aerospace equipment was carried out.
The requirements for the methods of redundant computer systems are formulated. A comparative evaluation of the detecting ability and hardware
costs in the implementation of the majority method of redundancy, the method of duplication and the use of corrective codes is carried out. The
expediency of using the duplication method to increase the probability of failure-free operation and survivability of self-healing digital computers,
using algebraic linear codes, to identify a faulty backup channel is substantiated. Unlike the known codes, it is proposed to use an algebraic linear
code, in which the values of the check bits correspond to the direct and inverse values of the information bits, which makes it possible to detect errors
when reading information from the inverse outputs of the memory, correct single errors, detect double errors and control the logical operation of
inverting required to represent a negative number in an additional code, which makes it possible to adapt the code to control the arithmetic and logical
operations of the computer processor.
The evaluation of the probability of failure-free operation of a duplicated computer, with its general redundancy, with the detection and correction
of single errors in the backup memory channels and the detection of errors in the backup channels of the processor ALU based on the proposed
code, and the assessment of the probability of failure-free operation of the computer, with its separate redundancy, with error detection in the backup
channels of the duplicated memory based on the Hamming code and error correction in the backup channels of the processor ALU based on the
majority method. As a result of comparing the probabilities of failure-free operation, it has been established that the total reservation of the computer
based on the proposed code, in comparison with the separate reservation of the memory and ALU of the processor of the computer, makes it possible
to provide a gain in the probability of failure-free operation of the computer and its functional units throughout the entire period of operation.
Keywords: algebraic linear code, additional code, inversion operation, majority redundancy method, duplication.

DOI: 10.25791/pribor.2.2024.1475

Pp. 34-41.


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