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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Model for Selecting Electronic Warfare
Equipment to Suppress Enemy Radio
Communication Systems |
The article examines enemy radio communication systems such as "HMS", "AMF", "MNVR" and satellite communication systems "MILSTAR", "AEHF"
and "Starlink". Their characteristics, purpose and possibilities of use in the theater of military operations are described. A mathematical problem of distributing
available jamming stations for effective suppression of a communication system based on a nonlinear two-index function of additive-multiplicative form is
posed, an algorithm for solving it is described and tested. An analysis of the given nonlinear function was carried out by estimating the distribution of the
maximum values of the objective function from the values of its coeffi cients. The mathematical problem of distributing available jamming stations to suppress
the enemy’s communication system based on a generalized two-index objective function of additive-multiplicative form in the presence of connections between
the elements of the system is also posed; an algorithm for solving it is described and tested. An analysis of the given function was carried out by assessing the
distribution of the minimum values of the function when its coeffi cients changed and a physical interpretation of the fi ndings was given.
Keywords: electronic warfare, communication system, satellite communication system, MILSTAR, AEHF, Starlink, software-controlled radios,
communication protocols, mobile radios, nonlinear two-index function, generalized two-index function, additive-multiplicative function, optimization of the
distribution function of funds, analysis of the monotonicity of the function.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.2.2024.1474
Pp. 07-33. |
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