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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Search Invert Method |
The paper briefl y presents new results of formalizing three types of optimal search problems for stationary objects using controlled search units (SU):
– Classical problems of optimal search for stationary objects with coordinate distributions specifi ed on a fl at area using dimensional SU.
– Search tasks with the risk of losing controllable SU or the risk of loss of control, when in the search area additional distributions of coordinates of point
recording units (RU) are specifi ed, when the search units touch them, the corresponding pairs of SU and RU are removed from the task.
– Problems inverse to search problems with risk, with fi ctitious restoration of the probabilities of the existence of SU on the control interval.
– For search problems with risk, a method for optimizing initial conditions with monotonic convergence to the optimum according to the search quality
criterion is presented. In addition, the approach found allows us to pose and formalize the problem of optimal interruption of remote scanning of the search
The results of the work can be used in algorithms and simulation modeling of control systems for moving objects.
Keywords: inverse search problem, risk, system modeling.
DOI: 10.25791/pribor.1.2024.1467
Pp. 24-28. |
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