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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Constraction design to thermal-inertial sensor of liquid media level

This paper is devoted to development problems of termal-inertial sensors of liquid media level into the technological pressure
vessels at NPP. Some variants of construction design are proposed here provides simplification of the probe production with significant advantages over the existing analogues. Construction design is suggested for two types: with thermocouples inside the probe (typical probe variant) and outside the probe. Concrete construction design is chosen depending on the conditions and the available capabilities of manufacturing in practice.
Rating of the significant construction parameter such as differential thermocouple step is carried out by modeling of thermal fielddistribution along the probe wall. In the result of modeling we define the optimum sizes combination of wall thickness probe and differential thermocouple step.
Described construction design of the probe and elements of mathematical modeling from paper can be used in the manufacturing of termal-inertial level sensor.
Keywords: NPP, APCS, level measurement into pressure vessel, thermal-inertial method of level measurement, differential connection
of thermocouples, pulsed current heating of thermocouple hot junction.

Contacts: E-mail: kalashnikov@cate.ru

Pp. 19-26.


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