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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Estimation and mapping of the forest fire danger caused by action of the focused sunlight
in geographical information system |
According to the forestry organization in Russia minimum forest taxation unit is forest site. Set of sites unites in a quarter, which in
turn is components of a local forest area. Therefore creation of the information systems focused on local application is actual till now.
It is necessary to be guided at system engineering of the control and an estimation of the forest fire danger caused by action of the
focused sunlight, by technologies of the analysis of spatial data in geographical information systems with graphic display of results
of such estimation in the form of electronic maps in specified conditions.
Data on algorithmic maintenance of geographical information system of forest fire danger caused by action of the focused sunlight
estimation are presented in present paper. Results of quantitative and qualitative estimation of the fire conditions in territory of the
Timiryazevskiy local forest area of the Timiryazevskiy forestry of Tomsk region are presented. It is necessary to notice, that there are
no similar information systems which would consider such factor of occurrence of forest fires as action of the focused sunlight now.
Development of the present system opens prospects of re-equipment and modernization of the existing software which is used in the
field of forest protection from fires.
Keywords: geoinformation system, control, forest fire danger, estimation, focused sunlight
Contacts: E-mail: firedanger@narod.ru
Pp. 08-15. |
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