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Non-stationary method for determining the thermal properties of liquid polymers under shear flow |
Developed a device and method for determining the non-stationary dependent thermophysical properties of non-Newtonian liquids
on the shear rate. The measuring device consists of two coaxial cylinders between which the sample liquid. Measurement of thermal
conductivity and thermal diffusivity proposed to carry out, after the measuring device is established stationary temperature field with
a heat source action by viscous friction energy dissipation in the fluid stream. The calculated dependence, developed the software and
test setup. Calibration experiments were carried out with ethanol. Unlike existing analogues, the measuring device provides a measure
for a short time by the introduction of protective heater. The correctness of the measurement method is proved by experiment and by
numerical calculations in ELCUT.
Keywords: non-stationary method, thermal characteristics, non-Newtonian fluids, shear flow, the measuring device.
Contacts: E-mail: mariya-che1@yandex.ru
Pp. 66-69. |
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