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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Description of cognitive models of management
of educational process |
This paper shows construction of a «Learning Process» cognitive map which object characteristics can be used for the educational
process adjustment. The information structuring method for learning management factors on the general and detail levels is shown.
We described the results of experiments are conducted to obtain data for construction of the «Cognitive Readiness» fuzzy model for
an educational process participant in the intellectual, information and reflective components form. Experimental data formalization
is carried out using the semantic differential and fuzzy sets. The automation of information conversion process is required to build
educational management cognitive models using the CodeGear RAD Studio software is described. We covered the current state and
prospects of the high school educational management research based of the developing an information system prototype which modular
construction provides an opportunity to improve it.
Keywords: management, model, cognitive map, educational process, structuring information, automation, intellectual potential,
reflection, semantic differential, fuzzy set
Contacts: E-mail: marenko@ofim.oscsbras.ru
Pp. 59-63. |
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