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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
The modeling as a means of improving the efficiency of gas compressor units vibrodiagnostic monitoring |
The work is dedicated to the development and application of mathematical modeling as methods and means to improve vibrodiagnostic
monitoring of gas compressor units of gas transmission systems. As the criteria of the most probable arising of defects it is
suggested to use high energy intensive levels (energy modes) of units at the corresponding natural frequencies of dynamic model of
the tested object.
According to the analysis, a significant impact on the birth and development defects (cracks, damage to teeth gear couplings, fretting
corrosion to coupling the rotor hub gear and others) in the elements of the design of gas compressor units (GCU) provides the
stressstrain state of the basic sites of GCU caused by torsional vibrations shafting (in transient dynamic operation modes).
Standard equipment for the monitoring parameters of torsional vibrations in different sections of GCU shafting does not exist.
Consequently, there is a need to develop a means of monitoring and analysis of GCU shafting torsional vibration, and taking into
account other parameters monitoring GCU in the creation of the improved model of all existing loads on shafting and elements of
the GCU design. According to this model to determine the stress-strain state of the GCU design sites, perform a analysis and identify
dangerous areas, where possible birth defects.
Keywords: methods, means, efficiency, reliability, vibrodiagnostic monitoring, gas compressor units, energy modes.
Contacts: E-mail: reshetov2006@mail.ru
Pp. 40-51. |
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