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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics

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Diagnostics of a condition of object on presence of not casual structures on the control chart

The condition of technical object often is considered emergency if stability of its work is broken. For diagnostics of infringements
of stability control cards can be used; at the correlated parametres of work of object it is multidimensional Hotelling’s charts. For
the purpose of increase of sensitivity of a chart to possible infringements it is offered to reveal presence of not casual structures on a
chart: such arrangement of points which testifies to process infringement. It is a trend, sharp jumps, approach to a horizontal axis or
to control border, an arrangement of points in chessboard order. The quantity of points in corresponding structure is defined by likelihood
methods, recognising that the structure is considered not casual if probability of its occurrence has one order with probability
of a false alarm.
The offered approach is illustrated by an example vibromonitoring the hydrounit.
Keywords: technical object, vibromonitoring of the hydrounit, the multivariate statistical control, Hotelling’s chart, stability of
process, not casual structures

Contacts: E-mail: v_kl@mail.ru

Pp. 44-50.


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