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Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics Annotation << Back
Imitating modeling of converters
of time intervals in a code for ultrasonic
converters of moving by means
The article deals possibility of the using of simulation modeling for development of the converters temporary intervals in a code
and variation of absolute error of ultrasonic converters of parameters of movement depending on duration of temporal interval. Two
types of recycling converters: a retrogressive and progressive nature of recycling. For visualization of the recirculation converters in
real time have been developed simulation models of these converters that are based on the functional blocks in the SCADA-system
TRACE MODE. Depending on the type of transducers and their characteristics vary error values transformation. In particular, were
constructed and analyzed according to the absolute error of converting recycling converters with progressive and retrogressive nature
of recirculations on the duration of the time interval with the maximum deviation of the sound velocity.
Keywords: Imitating modeling, converters, error, temporal interval, absolute error.
Contacts: E-mail: lgerasimova@mfmgutu.ru
Pp. 13-17. |
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